TIL - short nuggets
Deep dive articles
How to use OpenAI's GPT APIs, and techniques for specific use cases.
My learning notes from zero AI knowledge, to build applications using GPT.
font-weight might be one of the first things you learn about CSS. But there's so much details in it.
Responsiveness and Accessibility are two very common best practice in web development. Today, I looked more into how to make `font-size` more responsive and accessible, and came up with this short note.
Today I read a funny/sarcasm CSS tweet, and it led me to think about tailwind.
My thoughts on some of the common CSS structures
A short blog to describe how I structure my CSS
Auth is a complex concept for many webdevs, including myself. Here's some of my learning notes.
Do you know how to use `Date` in JavaScript? Is `new Date('2020-01-01')` the same as `new Date('2020-1-01')`? Here're the pitfalls I fell into...
Is serverless a fad or future? Should I use serverless or cloud, or even my own server? What does big companies do?
How to communicate between iframe and parent correctly
Among all the popular frontend frameworks, Vue.js is my favorite. It's very easy to get start with, and has great developer experience (at least IMO)
CSS variables (Custom Properties) are available in all popular browsers now. Being a native feature, it has many advantages over pre/post-processor variables like SASS, LESS.
A quick summary of the 3 different API solutions - REST, gRPC, and GraphQL.
A summary of how I chose the part for my gaming PC build.
A deep dive into the usage of ES6 modules - basic export/import, npm packages vs. ES6 modules, build process for browser support, and more.
Why does JavaScript need modules? What the difference between CommonJS, AMD, UMD? In this article, I walk through a brief history of JS modules, from old simple script tag and IIFE all the way to ES6 modules.
With CSS Houdini coming to browsers, we are having more power in the CSS world. There might be some new ways we can write and manage CSS.